You can add a hyperlink to any text of the interaction. When a hyperlink is clicked on, a user is led to another page or interaction slide or gets the option to write an email to a specified email address.
Inserting Hyperlinks
Place the cursor at the location in the text where you want to add a link or highlight the text area where the hyperlink will be inserted.
Click the Hyperlink button on the Insert tab. The hyperlink can be inserted only into the slide description, not into the title.
In the Edit Hyperlink window, fill out the Text field if you want to insert a standalone link apart from the existing text. If the link is applied to an earlier written text on the slide, the Text field will be filled out automatically.
Enter the destination of the hyperlink: specify whether it will lead to a webpage or interaction element, or will open an email form with a pre-set email address.
Enter the webpage address or email, or choose an interaction item from the drop-down list.
Tick the Open in new browser window checkbox to make the link open in a new window.
Test how the hyperlink will behave when your user clicks on it. To do this, click the Test button in the Edit Hyperlink window.
Click the OK button to save changes.
Removing Hyperlinks
Select the hyperlink in the slide text.
Click the Hyperlink button under the Insert tab.
In the Edit Hyperlink window click the Remove link button.